My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Queer Eye was one of those shows that when it originally aired I was definitely not it's target audience. A straight, white, who gives a **** teenager whose fashion sense and overall physical appearance could be described as....lacking. I cringe to see my middle school/high school photos. Netflix's new incarnation changed the dynamic of the show and one thing it constantly hammers is that it's not really a show about five gay guys. It's a show about five guys, who happen to be gay, devoting their time to helping others who may not have made time to help themselves. Okay, to the book...
Jonathan is the most flamboyant and over the top of the current fab five. I'm actually surprised to learn that he spent so much time in hair cutting/styling school since for every makeover on the show he says he's going to trim their beards a little bit and then proceeds to remove them completely most of the time. Yikes. The book actually makes me like Jonathan less. I appreciate the openness and honesty about his life and struggles, but something rubbed me the wrong way. Is it worth reading for fans of the show? Sure. Would Tan have been a more interesting person to read about? Absolutely.
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